Genshin Impact teases new TCG game mode with PvP content

Publish date: 2024-07-20

Genshin Impact fans can look forward to a new trading card game being released in an upcoming update. This gamemode will provide fans with the opportunity to collect and battle with a set of cards that they gather through in-game missions and battles with some of their favorite characters.

Gamers can also challenge their friends in PVP battles to show off their skills in the new Genius Invokation TCG. Fans that are excited about this upcoming gamemode can find out more about its features thanks to a teaser post revealed by Hoyoverse.

Genshin Impact: New Genius Invokation gamemode coming in 3.3

The Genshin Impact 3.3 update will introduce a new permanent gamemode known as Genius Invokation. This card game will provide players with the opportunity to take on both in-game characters and their friends with their unique decks of cards.

Players can assemble cards from throughout the world of Teyvat, with many of the cards representing fan favorite characters like Diluc and Ayaka. Fans will be able to take on a variety of challenges to earn a ton of rewards, though they won't be able to receive rewards by completing PVP battles.

The cards available also include lesser-known characters, like the original carriers of the Thundering Fury artifact set and the Crimson Witch artifact set. Many fans have pointed out that this may be the only time that the character Signora will be playable in Genshin Impact.

With so many cards to choose from, players will need to mix and match to create the perfect set of cards to defeat their enemy. There will be a ton of strategy involved in creating the perfect team, so fans will want to collect as many cards as possible to make the best deck compositions.

There are a ton of Genshin Impact characters that take part in the Genius Invokation TCG, including Cyno, Arataki Itto, and even Kamisato Ayato. It's likely that players will be able to go up against these characters in-game, with their powerful decks posing a serious challenge.

Defeating their decks will provide players with the opportunity to collect new cards and even gain precious resources. Fans who want to get all the Primogems they can from this new challenging game mode will need to study their strategy skills.

Players should keep in mind that the focus of this gamemode is PVE, and while PVP is a factor, it seems to be limited to friendly matches. Fans will be able to take on their friends, but they will not receive Primogems or other rewards for doing so.

Still, players who want to show off their skills or their decks will still be able to battle their friends in the new game mode and win some exclusive bragging rights in the community.

Genshin Impact 3.3 will introduce a new gamemode in the form of the Genius Invokation trading card game.

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