How much is Johnny Manziel's agent worth in 2023?

Publish date: 2024-07-10

The recent release of the Netflix documentary "Untold: Johnny Football" on August 8th has sparked considerable attention, putting the spotlight back on sports agent Erik Burkhardt.

In the documentary, Burkhardt shares intriguing behind-the-scenes stories of Johnny Manziel's NFL journey with the Cleveland Browns, leading to discussions throughout the sports world.

As Erik Burkhardt, the former representative of Johnny Manziel, garners increasing recognition, passionate football enthusiasts are displaying a keen curiosity not only about his professional endeavors but also his personal life.

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One particular area of interest revolves around Burkhardt's financial success and overall wealth. This has prompted many to ask: "What is Erik Burkhardt's current net worth in 2023?"

As of 2023, Erik Burkhardt boasts a net worth of approximately $10 million, according to Net Worth Post.

With a robust career spanning 18 years, Burkhardt has established himself as a certified NFL agent of considerable renown. He kickstarted his educational journey at Texas Tech University, earning his undergraduate degree. Later he pursued further studies, acquiring his J.D. and Masters in Sports Administration from St. Thomas University in Miami.

Burkhardt formerly held the position of owner at Select Sports Group and also served as the co-President overseeing the NFL division at ICM-Select.

In the year 2022, Burkhardt embarked on a new chapter by joining Roc Nation Sports as the co-Head of their Football division. Interestingly, in addition to his involvement in the sports realm, Burkhardt has dabbled in acting and even made his mark with a role in the film "Coppelius" back in 2008.

A Look at Erik Burkhardt's High-Profile NFL Clients

Erik Burkhardt with WR Devin Duvernay and QB Kyler Murray

Burkhardt's skill in negotiation stands out, evident in his accomplishment of securing contracts surpassing $500 million. He has showcased his adeptness in representing several standout prospects, landing them coveted positions in the NFL draft's top 10 picks. Among his roster of clients are some prominent NFL players:

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Erik Burkhardt Reveals Johnny Manziel's Workout Secrets

Erik Burkhardt, the former agent of Johnny Manziel, has unveiled fascinating behind-the-scenes revelations that shed light on Manziel's football journey.

Following the documentary's release, a circulating clip unveiled a surprising detail: Manziel never dedicated any time to watching game tape on his iPad in the lead-up to the NFL Draft.

Further insights into the Browns' private workout emerged, with Burkhardt recounting his own experiences.

He divulged that during this session, he went all out, diving for balls as Manziel threw NFL-level passes, leaving him utterly exhausted. The situation took a comical turn when Kyle Shanahan joined in on the action.

In a bizarre turn of events, Burkhardt shared the plight of that Easter weekend workout. Despite securing a groundbreaking pre-draft deal with Nike, Manziel ended up without cleats or proper attire due to a misplaced bag.

A desperate search led to Burkhardt and Manziel having to break into the equipment cage at Texas A&M to secure necessary gear. This led to Manziel, known for his larger-than-life persona, squeezing into oversized Adidas and tiny A&M shorts, creating an amusing and unforgettable scene.

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