Who was George Yzaguirre and what happened to him? Details explored ahead of Evil Lives Here on ID

Publish date: 2024-07-07

George Yzaguirre, a 34-year-old resident of Kent County in Michigan, stabbed and killed two men to death. The nature of both crimes was so violent that he was sentenced to two consecutive life terms without parole. However, George took his own life in prison (the Michigan Department of Corrections) on May 16, 2021. He was 37 at the time of his death.

George's victims were David Isner and Ed Fuller. Both men were adored by their community as they had been living in Michigan for years. While David had a loving family, Ed lived alone in a mobile home at the Pinegate Village Mobile Home Park in Byron Township. George knew both of them personally.

This brutal case will be showcased in detail in the upcoming episode of Evil Lives Here on ID. The official synopsis of this episode, titled He Should Have Died Sooner, reads,

"When George Yzaguirre kills himself in prison, he takes his secrets with him, and his ex-wife, Jennifer Meyer, is left to wonder how many of her memories might hold the keys to unsolved crimes and whether or not she'll ever know the truth about him."

The episode will air on August 27 at 6 pm ET.

Evil Lives Here on ID: The crimes and confession of George Yzaguirre

34-year-old George Yzaguirre was a longtime friend of David Isner. They were also roommates. George was even familiar with Ed Fuller, as the latter's positive attitude towards life made him a small-time local celebrity.

On November 28, 2019, David Isner's mutilated body was discovered by officials in a clearing near Lake Michigan Drive. This murder was gruesome in nature, as David had been stabbed about seventy times. The investigation was moving slowly due to a lack of evidence and leads, but little did the cops know that tragedy was going to strike again.

On December 3, 2019, five days after David's murder, Ed Fuller was found stabbed in his own home. Cops noticed the similarity between both murders but still kept running into dead ends.

The cops also noticed that there were no signs of forced entry in the house and that Ed's credit cards had vanished. It was clear that Ed knew his attacker. However, it didn't take long to arrest the assailant, as Yzaguirre himself confessed to his crimes.

George Yzaguirre was handed two consecutive life terms without parole, but he didn't survive long after entering prison. On May 16, 2021, he took his own life at the Michigan Department of Corrections.

Evil Lives Here on ID synopsis

The synopsis of Evil Lives Here on ID, according to Rotten Tomatoes, reads,

"Chilling scenarios unfold in this true-crime series, which tells actual stories of people who shared their lives with loved ones who became killers. Each hourlong episode puts viewers in the shoes of the loved one, who first notices that something is amiss, interprets the puzzling signs and clues, and eventually comes face-to-face with the horrible truth: that the person has a very dark side."

It continues,

"Exclusive interviews and firsthand accounts of the critical moments leading up to the vicious acts showcase devastating, often undiscussed consequences on the people who have nurtured, loved and raised a murderer."

Starring Steve Schroko, John Cerny, Melissa Sutkowski, James M. Reilly, and Amber Rothberg, Evil Lives Here premiered on January 17, 2016.

George Yzaguirre's brutal crimes will be showcased in detail in the upcoming episode of Evil Lives Here on August 27 on ID.

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