What did Bazzi say about Taylor Swift? Singer issues apology over 2018 comments

Publish date: 2024-07-29

American singer and songwriter Andrew Bazzi recently addressed the "Taylor Swift thing" while appearing on the podcast Zach Sang Show.

Bazzi specifically talked about his comments regarding Swift, which he made in May 2018 while appearing on the same podcast. However, this time, the 25-year-old singer expressed regret and apologized for his past comments.

In May 2018, Bazzi appeared on the show to talk about his album Cosmic. However, apart from talking about his album, the singer and his hosts talked at length on multiple topics related to the music industry.

At one point during the talk, Bazzi commented about fans not listening to Taylor Swift while he was answering a question about him saving pop music. Here's what he said:

"As a pop star, you can sell stadiums out. Look at Taylor Swift, she's literally selling out stadiums, but people don't listen to her albums."

Readers can find out more about his 2018 comments and his apology to Taylor Swift in the following section:

Bazzi regrets targetting Taylor Swift in the past

Bazzi finally apologizes to Swift for his 2018 comments (Image via YouTube/Zach Sang Show)

Coming on the podcast to promote his brand new album Infinite Dream, Bazzi took the opportunity to voluntarily show his regret over his past comments about Swift.

At first, Bazzi clarified the context of his comments by saying:

"I was trying to make a point on pop music, about how I thought the relevance of pop music ... I was making a point about hip-hop, in my opinion, had turned into popular music. Traditional pop music didn't have the same relevance that it used to."

He added:

"And, I referenced the biggest, most powerful, most truly listened to with the biggest audience like just being a f***ing idiot and the type of person who is sporadic and will throw a name out or just say something trying to make a point."

The 25-year-old singer-songwriter spoke about how bad the clip looks, which still upsets him, as he continued:

"I don't have regrets, and even the mistakes I've made, I feel, are intentional. Maybe this will turn into that one day for me. But that regrets and upsets me because she is so ... She writes her own music. She kind of stands for all the things that I stand for as an artist. She cares about what her videos look like. She puts on an amazing live performance."

Bazzi highlighted how a naive comment would end up robbing him of an opportunity to collaborate with Taylor Swift or even tell her about her influence on his music.

The singer added how Swift would never even watch this video, but if she ever does, he wants to convey that he loves her. In conclusion, Bazzi apologized:

"I'm sorry, and we should be friends. I'm sure you maybe would like me, maybe you might hate me."

The singer also talked about how Taylor Swift was the one who supported him during the initial stages of his career, which is another reason behind his apology.

What transpired on Zach Sang Show in 2018?

Andre Bazzi commented on Taylor in May 2018 (Image via YouTube/Zach Sang Show)

As mentioned, when Bazzi came to the Zach Sang Show, he touched on several topics during his talk. However, it was the comment about the American singer and songwriter, Taylor Swift, that got him a lot of flak from fans, especially after she shared his song Mine with her fans.

Host Zach Sang asked Bazzi:

"You are on record saying that you are saving the pop music. Do you still believe that?"

The singer-songwriter responded affirmatively and referenced Taylor Swift while talking about how various artists sell stadiums out, but in reality, no one listens to their pop albums.

Bazzi's comment got a nod from another podcaster, Dan Zolot, who claimed he hadn't listened to Swift's albums yet. Bazzi then went on to elaborate his views as he added:

"No one has. I respect Taylor Swift so much. I really do. She is like the businesswoman of all businesswomen. She's selling out stadiums. That's every artist's goal. She's playing in the biggest venues she can play. But, I am talking about culture. People are not listening to pop albums anymore."

Interestingly, the 11-time Grammy winner never responded to Bazzi's comments, while the 25-year-old artist was criticized by fans for a long time.

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